Over the last couple of years, the term “purpose-led” has been used more and more often. Is it just another corporate, jargony buzzword designed to make people feel important, or does it actually have some substance?
What does purpose-led mean?
"Purpose-led" describes a person, group, or organisation being driven by a clear sense of ethics beyond just making money or achieving standard goals. It means they’re motivated by a bigger mission, like making a positive impact on society, supporting the environment, or improving people's lives.
For businesses and organisations, it’s like saying, “We’re not just here to sell stuff—we’re here to make a difference.”
I’m not going to lie; it’s a phrase used so often that I’m already starting to tire from it and would prefer to use other ways of describing the same thing – but it is a phrase people understand and is one of the most concise ways of describing it. Plus, y’know, SEO and all that.
But isn’t that just a thing people are saying to make themselves look good?
The practice where brands and people publicly pledge their allegiance to a cause but fail to do meaningful work to that effect, known as “virtue-signalling”, does happen, unfortunately. But that isn’t to say every single person, organisation or brand describing themselves as purpose-led is a liar. Far from it! I want to think the vast majority are genuinely committed to their causes out there.
As with any brand value, the way to tell if it’s all smoke and mirrors is to check they are putting their money where their mouths are and following through with what they have promised.
The appeal of virtue-signalling may be short-term gain, but not being honest will cause longer-term damage to a brand’s reputation, which will ultimately hurt profits and stunt business growth. .
And knowing how savvy the population can be in the era of digital connectivity, it’s just not worth it.
Why do purpose-led clients and projects appeal to Studio Bifrost?
It’s been a hell of a few years, personally and professionally, for me, as well as for the world in general.
Covid, climate change, Brexit, the conflict in Ukraine, Israel’s genocide, record numbers of homeless in the UK, the blatant running into the ground of the NHS, the UK’s mental health support being that of a third-world country despite being a first-world country, continued persecution of LGBTQ+ folk around the world especially trans people, abuse atrocities like Weinstein, Al-Fayed and what happened to Gisèle Pelicot, gender health care gap, the reversal of women’s reproductive rights in the US, austerity, scandal after scandal in governments around the world, systemic prejudices towards all marginalised groups, are just a few things to get started with. And I could go on. And on.
Even if we choose just one example on a personal level, my late ADHD diagnosis is indicative of the Gender Health Care gap. Research simply wasn’t done on ADHD women and girls, so it was assumed we couldn’t have ADHD. Except that, I’ve consistently shown symptoms throughout my entire life, including stereotypically “boy” traits like hyperactivity. It has caused me trauma. It has held me back. But diagnosis has helped me understand myself in a way I never could before, and now I can work with my brain, not against it. (You can read more on my ADHD journey here)
As a species, there is no other like humans for being so prolific at simultaneously killing each other, causing the extinction of other species, and slowly destroying the entire planet. As far as I can see, it’s fuelled by selfish greed and short-sightedness. I genuinely believe many people in positions of power don’t care about climate change because they’ll be dead and gone by the time things start to go really wrong.
And I’m utterly, utterly disgusted and appalled. I’m ashamed to call myself a human. I love my children so much, but what an awful, terrible place I have brought them into. It makes me question whether I should have even had children. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m typing this with tears rolling down my cheeks.
But, there is hope. I am not alone.
Perhaps it was the isolation of Covid, how blatant the lies in the Western press are becoming, or a culmination of many factors, but there are more people like me. People that are just as shocked and overwhelmed as me. People who want to make a difference. People who are motivated by something more significant than material wealth. People who fall under the purpose-led banner. And when I read that back, ‘purpose-led’ feels like such a small way to describe, “I want to make this shitty world better in whatever way I can.”
My skill set is in design, branding and strategy, and I also need to keep a roof over my family’s heads. So, while I want to change the world for them, I have to look at the smaller picture at the same time as the bigger one.
What better way to combine the two than to shift Studio Bifrost’s focus so that we work with clients and projects that are making positive changes to people, society and/or the planet?
If we can help those businesses and organisations get their message out to more people, increase their impact and start to make those positive changes we and the planet so desperately need, wouldn’t that be amazing?
What better way to make the most of my ADHD sense of social justice and my vast, endless passion and combine it with clients who feel the same? Imagine how much we can achieve with that much energy! Imagine how easily the projects will flow! Imagine how creative and effective the final designs will be!
We’re not stopping there, either!
At a company level, Studio Bifrost already works in many positive ways, such as usually holding meetings virtually for many reasons, including sustainability. But there is always more to do, so we’re reviewing our processes to see where to make more ethical and sustainable improvements.
While I am time-poor outside of work with my family, I’m doing what I can. For example, I aim to make all purchases as ethical as possible, sign petitions, donate to charity, and raise awareness online. When the boys are older, I hope to have more time to get more involved with specific causes. For now, it’s not much, but if we all do something, collectively, we can make significant change. Small action is always better than no action.
So, what does ‘purpose-led’ mean for Studio Bifrost?
- We are working towards exclusively collaborating with clients who are doing good in some way.
- We aim to make the most sustainable purchasing choices.
- We operate virtually wherever possible.
- We encourage clients to use sustainable materials for printing.
- We aim to work with minorities both as colleagues and clients.
- We aim to operate in a neuroinclusive manner.
- We will review our systems and processes regularly to see where further ethical and sustainability improvements can be made.
A partnership made in heaven?
Feeling inspired? We'd love to help! We are a team of collaborators that enjoy nothing more than partnering with ambitious clients. Get in touch if you'd like to talk through your next project or get some advice.
ADHD and creativity